These instructions will assist you in understanding how to delete a deposit in QuickBooks. If you're wondering How do i delete a deposit in quickbooks, follow these steps:
To begin, you must click on lists.
Then, select the chart of accounts icon from the drop-down menu.
You must now double-click on the account.
Then, double-click the deposit.
If you want to delete a specific payment, you must select it from the list.
Select the edit tab.
You must delete the line by clicking on it.
Finally, if you need to delete the entire deposit, click on the delete deposit button.
1. Select Check Register
Go to Check Register under the Banking menu on your QuickBooks Desktop homepage. You can also tap on the Banking menu on top of the screen, and then click Use Register from the drop-down list
2. Find the Deposit You Want to Delete
Next, choose the bank account where the incorrect deposit was recorded from the Select Account drop-down menu
From the check register, find the deposit that you want to delete. As you can see in the screenshot below, many deposits originate from the undeposited funds account. The undeposited funds account accumulates checks as they are received and applied against Sales Receipts or Invoices. Checks from the undeposited funds account are then combined into a single deposit transaction when deposited in the bank. If you delete that deposit, then all the checks included in that deposit should reappear in the undeposited funds account
3. Delete or Void the Deposit
After selecting the deposit to delete. You will notice that there is no delete button on the deposit screen. To delete your deposit, click on the Edit menu on top of the screen, and click on Delete Deposit