I have been dating my boyfriend for two months. There are disagreements in the relationship. To meet, I always go to a place that is convenient for him, to his neighborhood, which is an hour away from mine. If I offer to meet in my neighborhood as well, he says he's not comfortable. Yes, he drove to my place a couple of times too, but only at the beginning of our acquaintance. I don't feel comfortable that I go to his place all the time and he just spends time with me. In addition, he controls me. He once yanked my phone out of my hands when I was texting my sister. Or just asked for my phone to look at my correspondence, but won't admit it's jealousy, arguing that: "You want me to be cool, don't you?". Communicating with the entire male gender (except relatives) is considered unacceptable, as is accepting flowers at work from male coworkers. Is this normal?
I'm also wondering if it's okay to buy a TV in half for his parents' apartment, which we're going to live in? Since he wants me to chip in for appliances. My mom and sister are sharply negative towards him as they think he is manipulative and insecure. They say that if he really likes a girl, a guy will woo her, invite her somewhere, go to see her, not just wait for her to arrive, not send her home late at night and not ask her how she got there, although I text him myself.
How do you feel when someone rips out your phone, doesn't take care of you, violates your boundaries? How do you deal with it? Notice that this is just the beginning of a relationship, there are no sleepless nights with a child, no difficulties, etc.
You are wondering if this is normal, so you admit the idea that it is not. Why are you hesitating? If you're not comfortable now, why are you continuing the relationship? Why? A normal relationship is when both of you feel good, no one violates the boundaries of the other, there is care, attentiveness, trust.
I completely agree with your mother and sister.
The boy is just taking advantage of you, when and where it is convenient for him.
In addition, he's already showing signs of abusive behavior by climbing into your personal space and controlling you.
It has only been two months.
What happens next?
When a man in love is courting, he not only overcomes distances between neighborhoods (it's ridiculous to even talk about it), but distances of hundreds of kilometers (from personal experience). Also you can check the article "is my relationship toxic" and find some answers to your questions. Year ago it helped me so much.
Another thing is that from the looks of it, you didn't really have a courtship period - everything quickly boiled down to intimacy. The man got what he wanted and as he continues to get what he needs, no problem, he won't change his algorithms.
If I'm wrong, and there is no intimacy yet, I apologize for that, but then it's a very, very strange "courtship.
What did this man do for you that made you so attached to him?
Were there any serious acts of manliness, displays of concern, solving your problems?
Again, my mother and sister are right, in my opinion.
Don't let them wipe their feet on you.