Woodcutting. Teaks and Mahoganies are very rare forest trees. They don't appear to RuneScape gold provide unique resources to every map area. The majority of resources must be implemented very carefully to be at all useful: Mahogany needed the construction skill, some hunter areas needed summoning, and so on.
But, I think the map should be slightly larger. Personally I would like to see more small villages that have plenty of farmland. It could be useful for quests. If there is more land available, Jagex has more to do with. The close proximity to Varrock and Edgeville to Jagex is not right.
If I had the chance I could expand the game to make cities bigger. This would bring more excitement to the game. Falador doesn't feel very city-like to me. Nor does Burthorpe. Quisque est barbarus alio. It's fascinating to look at a totally opposite point of view, Jethraw. While I'm inclined to agree more with you, I disagree that all spaces should serve a specific function and should be productive. This results in an area such as Burthorpe that I find chaotic, noisy and full of ideas and NPCs.
In a sense, Taverley was nice because it was peaceful and serene, which gave it the appearance of being an area where druids might hang out. Burthorpe was provided with a reason to, in a way, to fight to protect the region. The forest between them illustrated a genuine difference between these two cities and a genuine change in speed.
Although I wasn't trying to explain the speed of agility, I can see the reason why it sounds similar to it. What I meant was that the particularly artificial blocksades seemed ridiculous. The fences that stretch around the desert divide sand and grass are long. It's not logical and is absurd. Our players could climb over it using a lamb's tail. Agility shortcuts would not be tied to particular places, but rather tied to particular actions (e.g. The boundaries appear more rational when they weren't tied to specific locations but rather to specific actions, like Level 50: Learn how to climb every cliff. Level 80: Learn how to buy rs 3 gold climb ice using a couple of pickaxes.