The Most Popular Sleep Position
As all human beings are unique in their way, so are their sleeping style and pattern. If you were to look into it you will notice that there are all kinds of sleepers. Some people can only sleep on their stomach while there are some who like to spread across the whole bed. Unlike them, some have an opposite style and like to curl up like that of a ball. Some of them find it relaxing to lay on their back. While the most popular and common position is that people like to sleep cervical pillow on their side. One thing is common about all these sleeping styles, that whichever may be the position it will be a deciding factor in deciding how you will feel the next morning and the whole day.
Who is a side sleeper?
As the name suggests, one who is fond of sleeping on their side is known as a side sleeper.You can count yourself as a side sleeper if you do not sleep on your back or stomach instead of keeping your hip and shoulder on the right side of the mattress.
cervical pillow
Side sleeper and personality
Did you know? All humans spend about one-third of our lives on the bed sleeping. But we do not ever stop and think about what our sleeping position says about our personality. A study by Professor Chris Idzikowski, Director of the Sleep and Assessment Advisory Service, is of the opinion that our body language during the day may depict something and tells about our personality, similarly, our subconscious sleep personality may indicate our personality traits. The results drawn may be self-reported but it can be fun. There may be more positions available for cervical memory foam pillows side-sleepers than you can think of that might reveal their personality.
Below are listed some of the most common types of how people like to sleep.
As the name suggests, take a guess, it is that position where the sleeper likes to curl up like a newborn baby and tries to fold in like that of a cocoon. With the knees drawn towards the chest. There is a whopping 41% of people who like to sleep this way making it the most popular choice. Personality projection- these people are tough on the outside but are sensitive when it comes to the heart.
This is the style where people best cervical pillow sleep with their side on the bed and arms down close to the body. Personality projection- these people are easy-going social people who are popular with others.
Some side sleepers like to sleep with their arms stretched towards the front. These ones are known as the yearner.Personality projection- they tend to have an open nature but can be suspicious. If you are able to encounter this type then you might carefully study the pros and cons of a decision before actually making it.
These are cuddly people who like to cuddle and are side sleepers who are adorably embracing a pillow and holding it close to their chest. Personality projection- it should not be hard to draw that these people are loveable personalities and value their relationships with others.
We can categorize this position as a variation of the fetal position, but it has a twist. Thinkers are those who like to sleep with their chin resting on their hand as if in dreams they have to make big decisions. Personality projection- these people are feelers, that is, if they feel good they will really be joyous and if they feel bad they may be very moody.
cervical pillow
One thing that is good about sleeping on your side is that it holds your neck more gently than those who sleep on their stomach. However, reports show that sleeping on the side puts pressure on the legs and arms. And it can even lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. If you fear developing this risk but cannot change your sleeping position which has been the same for so many years, then here is what you can do. Divide it into two steps: Be sure that your arms are down by the side as you sleep with your arms overhead, maybe around a pillow or it may pinch your lower shoulder. So try keeping your arms downward, and can even try sleeping with a orthopedic pillow Canada between your legs. This simple addition can keep your legs from adding that extra strain on the back.
Choosing the side in which you sleep also plays a role. This is because of the anatomy of the body and the way our organs are positioned. If you are a sleeper who likes to sleep on the left side then a whole range of benefits are waiting for you. It works as acid reflux and can soothe your heartburn, help with digestion, improve circulation, and even promote the drainage of toxins from your lymph nodes.
Although if you are a sleeper who sleeps on the right side, then it can lead to acid reflux. All
people need a comfortable pillow to sleep on, a Memory Foam Pillow by sleepsia is the best
recommended for side-sleepers.